Thursday 19 July 2012

Lots and lots of STUFF, mostly technology

Hey all,

For those of you not aware, I have 8 DAYS LEFT!!! Holy shlamoly!!!

Oh, and I'll be 16 in two weeks. Yay!

So I figured I would give you guys another update. My flight stuff is all sorted, everyone going to the airport is bringing tissues, and I'm realizing that I have A LOT OF STUFF to take. Here is a snapshot:

For those of you that know me well, yes, this isn't my bedroom, but my brother is away and therefore doesn't mind me piling all my assorted crap on his bed ;)

It's really hard to be packing for a WHOLE YEAR without bringing everything you own. I have to limit myself extensively, and there is just stuff and more stuff to bring. Hiking boots, blankets, bedrolls, scarves, pants, skrits, extra bags, cosmetics, lady stuff, soap & shampoo, backpack, binders, paper, pens...

And all my new fancy electronic stuff :D
It's all beautiful!!
(and I have fabulous taste in music, can't you tell? ;)

This is my voltage stabilizer. It is compatible with Australian, Japanese, English, North American and UK plugs. This stabilizes the current in case of voltage fluctuations (which are quite common in India) and will be used in partnership with...

My lovely Indian adapter, handily fitting just about any plug (in case any buddies need to have a borrow).

Next up is the fabulous graphing calculator, crazy expensive-but worth it for Pre-Calc- graphing calculator, currently showing y=7(x+2)2 (squared, not X2)

This makes me happy. :D
It also comes with a strange plug that looks like I should connect headphones to my calculator. Is confused. :P
I also have a regular calculator for day-to day stuff, up to and including pi, E, sine, cosine and tangent.

The device on which all these were taken is my birthday present: a lovely freeze/dust/shock/water proof camera. It's bright blue and perfect. I'm currently having fun experimenting with all the settings, especially panorama. So far, I heartily approve of it.

It is by Fujifilm. One thing that was kind of interesting, if you buy it in Canada, you have to register it online at their website to get the warranty legalized and qualify for assistance if needed.

Finally, piece de resistance: Mum is letting me take her macbook! This is an excuse for her to buy a Pro, but WHO CARES?

I'm so very happy with all these things. I know Mum's a little out of pocket right now, but I extend my sincerest internet thanks to her for all her purchases, time investments, and dedication to me in this adventure. She's now playing with my hair and reading over my shoulder. 

Also thank you to my aunt & uncle who sent me some Indian rupees they had from their trip there a couple of years ago. (It's 40 rupees to the Canadian dollar, for those who don't know. -Indian prices are super low. They're going to spoil me rotten :D)

Are you excited? NOT AS MUCH AS MEEEE!!! HAHAHA!!!

Thanks all, and goodnight,


PS By the time you read this, it'll probably be 7 days left, unless you're staying up stupidly late like me reading my blog. In which case, I'm flattered, and GO TO BED, silly person!)

Thursday 5 July 2012


Today I got vaccinated!

On tuesday Mum and I went to the travel clinic for a consultation. Originally it wasn't going to be a consultation, but we were late getting back from Kingston so all we had time for was talking about the meds I would need and getting a TB test (tuberculosis). Malarone (malaria pills) are more expensive than I thought.
The Tb test consisted of a serum being injected into my arm. I was not allowed to scrub it or put a band-aid on it, in case that gave a false positive or negative. If I was TB positive the area where the serum was injected would be large and an angry red. If not, it would look like a little bruise.

Check out how not-infected-with-TB I am!!

So today we went back to get me vaccinated for Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Japanese Encephalitis and Rabies. Apparently the Typhoid/Hep A needle hurts a LOT for about 24 hours, so I was well doped out on Tylenol before arriving. So far, all is well, although I'm starting to feel a bit stiff in my upper arm.

The other band-aid was for my Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, a disease known throughout southern Asia. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I'm just happy to be immune to it. :D

Finally, the rabies shot. Apparently the nurse has been giving A LOT of these recently to vet students at U of G and to Canada's Nautral Resources people, so she didn't have a lot left. Also inconvenient, the drug plants that make the vaccine are pretty much out, and don't start production again until after summer. I'm lucky to have been able to reserve 3 doses!

And in other, non-medical news, I have started packing! This was Mum's idea since I am notorious for speed-packing at the last minute, not somehting we want to be doing here. I have absolutely fallen in love with her mountain equipment co-op bag, it is PERFECT in every way, shape and form. Most of my stuff, however, has been packed into the Big Brown Bag, which, as I found out afterwards, I'm not actually allowed to take...

Look how lovely and organized that is! Grrr...

22 days to go!