Friday 30 March 2012

Hooray-guhh, mm whuuuu?...

Ok, so an unusual turn of events has occurred;
On the positive side, I GOT ACCEPTED TO WOODSTOCK!!!!!!! For... grade 10? Whaaaat?
We got the email, and read it carefully only to discover that I had been filed under the wrong year. Despite the fact that I indicated on my form that I was applying for grade 11, the office translated my being in grade 10 as my APPLYING for grade 10.
The SAGE office has contacted the people from India, and they are reviewing the candidates for grades 11 an 12 on monday, so I will find out then

At this point, it's a kinda-definitely-maybe-OHMIGOSHWTFDOIDOWITHMYSELF!?!?!
So, yeah.

Lots of love,
PS Saw my first opera tonight, Don Giovanni!
I know it has nothing to do with India, but it's worth mentioning

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