Tuesday 26 June 2012

Visas are evil

For those who have not had the oh-so wonderful experience of getting a travel visa, I cannot wait to impart the sheer joy of waiting in a non-airconditioned environment for around 4 hours only to have your visa application found "incomplete". According to Woodstock, this is the first time that they have been asked for their registration number for a student visa. However, we have pulled together all the missing paperwork and submitted the visa in Toronto, where it will be ready in about 1 week. Hooray!

In other news, Air India has gone on strike, so there is no direct flight from Toronto to New Delhi. Quick transfer of tickets to British airways with a two-hour stopover in Heathrow and we are still set to go!. However... Megan (my mississauga travelling buddy) and I will be arriving in London the DAY AFTER THE OLYMPICS START. Hello crowded zoo!

Not all news is bad though. Megan and I met for the first time on sunday. She has been at Woodstock for the past year and is going back to graduate, and we had a Q and A session at her place. What's monsoon like? Unpleasant, apparently. How big are the classes? Between 9-20 people.
She also had a yearbook, where she showed me everyone I will be taking classes with next year. There are about 40 grade 11s at Woodstock next year. According to Megan, it's a positive, friendly and studious environment. These are my people! :D

Another bonus: Megan said that one of the things she found she really needed was a computer, so Mum is passing down the laptop in exchange for a newer mac. Best news of all, I can skype, blog, and acces facebook while in India! Will be keeping you all updated!

1 month and 1 day left


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