Thursday 8 November 2012

macbeth, MacBeth, MACBETH!

Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth...

Over the past week I've bee quoting Shakespeare in my head almost incessantly, having spent 5 hours every day in Parker Hall, performing, costuming, make-up-ing, practicing lines, and all in all having the time of our lives! This show is 10000000000x better than e-Volution, that's for sure!

Every night of our performances, we've managed to rip it out and deliver a better performance every time. Our dress rehearsal on sunday and monday were rather depressing, with lighting cues still being sorted out, costume malfunctions happening, actors missing cues, and general chaos with blood and props. Moday evening, we retired back to dorms at around 9:45 pm feeling ver despondent and worried about the week ahead.

I spoke to my mother about it, and she reassured me with the truism of "crappy dress=great show". I felt slightly better, but everyone was very nervous.

Tuesday night, we performed for outside schools studying the play. As people began to arrive, the tension mounted higher and higher backstage. In all truth, this tension gave us the boost in energy we needed. That night, we KILLED the stage, with everything coming together perfectly at the right moments, Shalaka and Tara (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) nailing their monologues, and the Weird sisters terrifying the bananas out of the audience.

Wednesday was our official "opening night" in front of grades 10, 7 and 6. Feeling much more optimistic, we once again surpassed our own expectations. As Mrs Okie said "the only reason the light cues were a little off was because we were so mesmerized by watching you!". Last night (thursday) was our best show yet, with all the murder scenes going smoothly, blood exploding from Banquo's mouth and Young Macduff getting blood smeared all over his(her) shirt. We also had our residen photographer, Fuse, come in and take shots of various scenes, which I will post as soon as they are made available.

Tonight is our closing night, in front of grade 11's and 9's. I will admit to still having some trepidation, simply because everyone is exhausted (we get back to dorms at about 10pm every night) and we've had such a good run so far, we're due for a bad one... (touches wood surreptitiously)
We're also having a pizza party after the show. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is!

May there be blood,

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