Tuesday 11 September 2012

5 days and then BAM!

Yes, 5 days of clear sunny, warm days, then 4 am rolls around and BAM!

Which unfortunately resulted in my waking up at 7:30 am this morning after a rather fitful night. Devika and I both woke up sleepily, then we saw the time and simultaneously LEAPED out of bed.
We still made it to school on time, so yay us!

In other news, Tanya is RIDICULOUSLY hyper, and has been for the past few weeks. Reason being, her sister-in-law is having a baby today. To hear Tanya talk though, you'd think the baby was hers!
Congratulations to the Lohias!!!

I have also been writing poerty like a maniac. :)
30 watchers on DeviantART!

Finally, Tanuvee and I, for various reasons, have decided to take each other as dates to Sadie Hawkins.
Thank you to Devika for letting me borrow her dress!

That is all for now,
Stay awesome, readers.

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