Tuesday 4 September 2012

What is so complicated about envelopes?

Sending mail from Woodstock is not a terribly complicated process. The post office is an on-campus site, they provide the stamps, and collection is once every day. To send a letter to Canada is really quite cheap: only 25 RS for a standard-sized letter.
The process of acquiring envelopes, however, is becoming more complicated with each attempt.

The first time I tried to send a letter home, I went to the post office and asked to send a letter home to Canada. I gave them my folded sheet of Cambridge paper, only to be met with a look of confusion. This was another one of those times where I wish I spoke Hindi. Through the man’s (very) thick Hindi accent, I managed to understand that I needed to provide my own envelopes, which could be acquired at the senior school office.

“Ok, not hard” I thought to myself. I walked up the ramp to the office and asked for an envelope, went back down, paid 25 RS and sent my first letter.

About a week later, I wanted to send another letter. I went to the senior school office, where they seemed mighty surprised to see me again. I asked for another envelope, which they handed over somewhat reluctantly. I asked if I needed to pay for all these envelopes I kept using, but the question was ignored. I went down and paid my 25 RS, and the letter was sent off.

“All right, free envelopes!” was the sentiment for that afternoon.

Not so, my friends, not so.

Today I tried to send my third letter. I marched right into the senior school office and requested another envelope. They seemed a little more on the ball today, and they asked me “Why are you using all these envelopes?”

“I’m sending letters home”
“You can’t do that. These are for college use.”
“Oh. Ok.”

Now what?

After school I go down to dorm store, and have a friend ask (in Hindi) the man there if they stocked envelopes.

Now what?

This is the part where I get to go on an adventure to the deep recesses behind the school cafeteria to the vey well-hidden supply store. They also seemed mighty confused about my request for some envelopes. I managed to persuade them to part with two, also without having to pay a single rupee.
I go back to the post office and send the letter without any further issues.

I’m not exactly sure what to do about this situation. I’m not keen on robbing the school but at the same time no one here seems to understand my desire to correspond via snail mail. Whenever I ask where I can get envelopes I’m met with a blank stare.


In other news, I’ve finally cracked the two songs Mr. Okie has me working on!
Woot woot, musical proficiency!

Extinguish my eyes:


When my soul touches yours: 

Finally, actually right about now, everyone back home is getting up and going to school.
As Mr. Steve said “hate to say it, but we’re already 34 days smarter than you”!

Have a blast, everyone,


PS thank you to the Kibbutz for the wishboat! That really made my day!

1 comment:

  1. make your own envelopes: http://rubberstamping.about.com/od/projects/ss/EasyEnvelope.htm
