Sunday 9 September 2012


Hello all,

Photo blast!

Well it’s been an exciting few days at Woodstock!
On Wednesday, we had inter-house cross-country (16th place, 20:47, 3.7 km). I was running for the Merlin’s (vs. Eagles and Condors). Go red!
I’m not exactly sure how everyone did, but a whole bunch of Merlins did really well, and Kalki is going to inter-school. Good job everyone!

Photo cred to Mr Steve:

Back from the races!

Go Merlins!

Thursday was Music Day, meaning that there was a conjunction of Thursday and day 4. This means that I have vocal lessons, and Acapella twice, within the space of 4 hours. We’re singing “Viva la Vida”, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”, “Livin’ In A Holy City”, and “Ave Maria”. All really really really fun songs! (Although the soprano part in Viva la Vida leaves something to be desired).

Also on Thursday, I got info about the quarter break trek to the Himalayas. I am so ridiculously excited about this. All my friends are completely mystified as to why I WANT to go trekking for a week in the mountains. I’m not completely sure myself, but I’m certain that this will be awesome!!!

Uh huh. I’m going THERE.

Friday, I managed to fall spectacularly down the stairs, bruising my arm and tailbone, meaning I couldn’t go hiking on Saturday.
Next week, it will happen.

Today we had Chapel; I got to take a taxi up to school with Uma because of my tailbone and her ankle. I got to use a seatbelt!!! It made me unreasonably happy.
One thing I don’t understand about Chapel: why do so many girls wear heels to walk up? I’m always baffled by the number of girls teetering their way up the mountain in stilettos. I really don’t understand my gender sometimes.

Off to a new week!

PS this time next week the Dalai Lama will be here. I'm not excited at all...
I'm also terrible at lying.

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