Thursday 27 September 2012

Walking home

Walking home in the dark is a nice way to end a long day, be it after rehearsals, study hall, meetings or music practice. It’s peaceful and the town is lit up along the hillside, with the backdrop of Dehradun in the background.

Most unfortunately, my camera fails at taking good photos of this, so you’ll just have to use you imaginations.

The weather in Mussoorie is officially beautiful. Monsoon season is over, the heat is on, and the sun shines brightly all day.

Today in drama rehearsal we had our first full run-through of the production. I love it so so so so SO much.
Stage fighting is officially the coolest thing in the freaking world. As young Siward, I have a fabulous sword scene with Macbeth.
It goes some thing like this: I rush Macbeth with broadsword, deflected, I lunge, get hit in the back with hilt of M. sword, Macbeth sends sword skittering across the stage, I hobble over to fallen sword, M. hits it out of my hand, I back up trembling onto the stairs (I’ll have a blood bag under my arm) GET STABBED! I curl my body in on the sword, and Shalaka (aka Macbeth) stage whispers to me “thou wast born of woman” and pushes me off her sword. I lie sprawled on the stairs panting as she examines her blood-smeared blade. “But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn. For none can harm me of a woman…” and on BORN she kicks me off the stairs. I then lie sprawled onstage for the next two scenes.
According to Milo (Siward aka dad) I’m very good at being a dead body. He has the luxury of transporting me offstage before the last scene. Teehee…

It’s a little unfortunate that Milo is cradling my head for about 5 minutes. He’s the kind of guy that loves to crack jokes, but as the dead body, I can’t laugh!!!

News flash: for those I have not informed, I am also playing Fleance, son of Banquo. This part requires no lines, but I get to do some fun falling and running during Banquo’s murder scene. To be honest, I’m happy with the small parts of the play. Poor Shalaka is kind of going nuts as the title character and a gr. 12 AP student.

In terms of studies, I am actually doing fairly well, though I could be doing better. My best subject by far is Algebra (???), followed closely by French, English, Music and the sciences. I am not doing as well in the sciences as I had hoped, but I’m developing a much better understanding of all the principles. I just need to get a lot better at doing labs. Parents: be aware of an impending report card!

I am also a member of the writing center at Woodstock. This basically means I get to sit around for 3 hours a week in the hopes that someone will need help with their essay. Usually, I’m left to my own devices for the hour I’m there, but today, for the first time, someone actually knew where it was, what it was for, and required my assistance! I’m pretty pumped about that, actually.

I have signed up for the IAYP  (international award for young people) program, formerly called the Duke of Edinburgh award. I’m going for my silver level, meaning I will complete it in about a year. This requires 3 aspects, as well as an adventurous journey: skill, service, and physical activity. Skill: Dance and German. Service: tutoring and Amnesty international (PS email me if you want to sign my petition! Physical activity: Climbing and strength training. Pretty much all of these can carry over to home, where I’ll finish the award next October.

A warning to all those at home: you have no choice, none whatsoever; we are going to watch Lagaan. It’s this amazing Hindi movie that Devika introduced to Annabelle, and me, and it’s my new favourite thing in the world.

Some clips you need to see:

Tomorrow I’m leaving on the quarter break expedition to Darwa pass and Lake Dodital. I’m packed and ready to go!

Risk factors: dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, altitude sickness, twisted ankles, trench foot, falling objects, and (white people problems) sunburn.

Food for the week: lots of GORP (good ol’ raisins and peanuts), dark chocolate, honey and oatmeal, bananas, paneer, rice & dahl, potatoes, pasta, tuna, and PB. I had a last slice of chocolate cake to say goodbye to naughty foods  :P.

Finally, happy birthday to my dearest and most wonderful mother!!!

And of course, happy early 14th birthday to my beloved brother! I hope it’s amazing and that you ace your geography test!!!

Love, kisses and amazingness from afar,
PS sorry for the lack of photos. Internet wan't letting me put them up last night so I'm doing this on a school computer in studay hall.

PPS THANK YOU to Patricia and Dahlia, who went to the nightwish concert last week, got me a t-shirt and apparently had the best time of their lives! Keep metal-ing, ladies!

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