Wednesday 31 October 2012

Halloween at Woodstock


Halloween 2012 has been a most excellent day! 
I've noticed some very distinct differences between here and home, but also with certain overarching similarities.
After we got back from play practice this evening, we received some trick-or-treaters from the junior school (resulting in a mad scramble from all the girls to find something suitable to give away. Devika eventually managed to find an unopened pack of Skittles.) 

We also had a Halloween party in the Midlands rec. hall, which included some magnificent cakes and candies, a pumpkin carving contest, and a costume competition.
My costume was somewhat unimaginative, due to my lack of costume material (I was a hipster, who didn’t dress up because it’s ironic), but some people really went all out.
Check out these folks!

Andrew as a ninja victim

Gypsy fortune teller (Juliana)

(A very cozy) nature spirit (Aya)

Rosie the Riveter (Ugyen)

Gypsies (Tanya and Tanu)

Little red riding hood (Deki)

"Nun"... (One of the grade 10's not sure who)

Costume contest winners! First place went to our lovely gypsies, Tanuvee and Tanya. Second went to the Cat in the Hat, and third place went to... well, I'm not exactly sure what they are.

The prize. Mmmmm...

Also, please enjoy the photos from our pumpkin-carving extravaganza. I gave some remedial carving lessons to Sonam, Ro and Tanya, and we produced quite a satisfactory jack-o-lantern. We didn’t win, the prize went to Lexine, Megan, Nutcha and Jesal’s group, who carved this pumpkin:

This was ours:

Yes, the teeth say "HALLOWEEN"

Sonam, Tanya, me and Ro
 Graduating class of 2014. This was Ro's idea

Here was the prize for our efforts:
We were hoping for the worms and dirt, but the Cat Cake was pretty delish. The dark icing also had the amusing effect of turning everyone's teeth, lips and tongue a dark blue.

One remarkable difference between home and Woodstock was the weather.

While folks back home are enduring the remnants of Sandy, here’s what the weather was like today.

Photos taken from the window in math class

Long sleeves, that’s the most we’re wearing at this point!
It’ll be an adjustment and a half to come back to Canada in midwinter. Already November and it’s still going up to 17 degrees C during the day!

Love to all,


  1. What great fun! I thought the best outfit was Rosie the Riveter. I'd have been happy with the Cat cake, it looked less disgusting than the other prize! (blue tinting icing notwithstanding). I guess there were a few kids out around this place, but mostly it's a day that gets observed by adults who go to dress up parties at the pubs - i.e. university students...

  2. Yeah! I can comment!

    When Jake(Paul Giffords) son came by on Halloween, he asked me what I was dressed up as. I told him I was a woman sitting by the fire. He came by again on the way home, walked up to me very seriously and said, "I know what you are, a camper." So as long as we keep up the tradition, I have my costume nailed!

    It was great talking to you tonight. Your brother misses you a lot and although he wasn't that chatty, don't let that fool you. The two of you will have a great time together over xmas and fill each other with memories to carry you through till June.

    Love ya Lilypip,

