Wednesday 10 October 2012

The best english project EVER

Mr Wunker's assignment to us for the rest of term and into the holidays: write a blog once a week and comment on other people's blogs. Ooooh, such hardship!
I'm pretty excited, truth be told. Some of my classmates are a little less than enthused about the prospect, but I prefer to see it as a chance to boost my english grade by 50 points with virtually no effort.
The blog has some specific purposes though, so I have created a new one for the assignment:

Feel free to comment and follow as you wish. Feedback is my friend when it comes to writing.

In other news, HAPPY BELATED THANKSGIVING to all the folks back home! I hope everyone's weekend was full of happy smiles and very full tummies and lots of pumpkin pie!

Also, a little personal crisis (LIFE SHATTERING HORROR) Anette Olzon and Nightwish have split up.

Dying inside...

That's all for now, love to all,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good project.
    As for Anette and Nightwish calling it splits, I feel your pain, Sister. I nearly bawled when I heard the news.
