Sunday 28 October 2012

(In)activity week

Hello my dears!

As some of you know from facebook, I had a rather uneventful activity week. I left with the rest of the team to go trekking on sunday early morning, feeling super pumped about the week ahead. However, by midday, I started to feel off. I thought it was just carsickness, but as time progressed and we got to the campsite, I just felt worse and worse. By evening, I could barely walk.

I slept fitfully that night, and by morning was still feeling pretty rotten. Even with my bag tied to a mule, I was by far the slowest member of the group. Eventually we just split up into two: Ms Fiddler (Ashley) and Asma stayed with me and everyone else carried on.
By about noon, my condition hadn't much improved. I was cramped, exhausted and nauseous. The staff (Pants, Dane, Titu and Ashley) suggested I go back to school, where I could be cared for by the health center. Even though I REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't want to leave, I didn't have much choice. I agreed that it would be the safest option.

Most regrettably, girls have to travel in pairs wherever you go in India, for safety reasons as well as company. Kalkidan Amare, heroine, selfless, wonderful person that she is, volunteered to accompany me back to Mussoorie, along with a hindi-speaking staff member (Titu), who is equally wonderful and selfless and heroic.

We walked back down to our first campsite, where we called for a jeep to detour around to where we were. It was a hitch-hiking jeep, meaning that Titu, Kalki and I were crammed in the back of the bumpy, dusty jeep with about 4 other indian men, as well as our backs. With me being the stomach sick one, this just sounds like a recipe for disaster, dunnit?

Thankfully, nothing happened until we got to the jeep transfer point, and found another jeep willing to chauffer us back to Mussoorie. Best bit: we had it to ourselves!!!

We drove...and drove...and drove... for about 8 hours. Finally, we got to Mussoorie, exhausted and carsick, and plunked down in our beds as soon as we possibly could.

Tuesday (the next day), I was started on a rigorous medication regimen, 3 pills, 3 times a day. I was feeling plenty wiped, so I slept and read most of the day.
Kalki, on the other hand, was picked up by the lovely nurse Tara Kaplan (mother of Teva [previous trek]). She spent a good week with her, hanging out with junior school and going to bazaar.

I spent the week having down-time, reading a ton of books, and hanging out with Darcey Wunker, lovely lady and saviour that she is. She brought me a kindle!

So now I'm back in dorms, with PEOPLE!!! My extrovertness has been thouroughly starved, so I'm glad to be back!

And finally, some photos for you to enjoy:

We all remarked that they look rather like Toffla trees

First (and only) campsite

The oh-so-lovely Asma

The amazing room-mate Kalkidan

Waiing for the jeep

Time for healing and recovery

Not all bad...

Ok, I admit this seems a little random. I think oranges in Mussoorie are rather neat!

3 pills, 3 times a day!

Love and BIIG hugs to all,


PS Two weeks until I go to Delhi for Diwali!
PPS 41 more days until I'm back in Canada! Time seems to have flown by!

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for Kalki and Titu! Thank you very much ladies for giving up your trek to see Emily safely home again. You are wonderful.
