Saturday 20 October 2012

Recent events

Hello readers,
I ave not blogged in a whil: for this I am sorry. Being accustomed to daily life here, things are no longer new, the views no longer surprising, the activities routine. I will do my best to continue posting, even if I am feeling less inclined than I would like. :P

Something rather unfortunate happened at Woodstock last week. Two weekends ago was the Sadie Hawkins dance, where all the girls ask guys to the dance, everyone dresses up really fancy, eats good food and dances their butts off.

However, as usually happens at a high school dance, some students snuck in alcohol. 
They were caught, and all students involved have been suspended for 2 weeks-1 month. Mr Anderson has informed us that this is the mildest of punishments he will deal out in regard to this situation. If it occurs again the consequences will be much more severe.
If I ever needed convincing that drinking in high school was a bad idea, this would do it...

So that was intersting. I hope it dissuades other would-be drinkers not to do it at school!

In other news, Macbeth is well underway. Costumes and props are almost finished, lighting cues are being set up, and sword fighting is going full speed ahead! This should be a pretty fantastic show. Cannot wait for november!

In regard to performances, I got accepted into advanced recital!!!! I will be singing "When My Soul Touches Yours" by Leonard Bernstein.

Finally, I'm going trekking again tomorrow, this time to Braadsar lake. We're going 4000m up the mountain, for 9 days.
It'll be a very different trek this time, with 20 students in attendance, the majority of which are guys.

Should be a pretty rocking time!

See you in 9 days my lovelies!


PS I found out the other day that one of my dorm mates' grandfather was Tenzing Norgay. How freaking cool is that?


  1. that is very cool about your dorm-mate. I trust you will be wearing longer-lasting boots this time round! looking forward to hearing more about the 9 day trek.

  2. Glad that you're enjoying the Kindle. I'm so sorry you had to come back, but glad I could help out a little bit to make it less frustrating! -Darcey
