Tuesday 28 August 2012


Every monday at school this year, Dr Long (our principal) does a special devotion to start the week. Every monday morning, it's something to look forward to. He uses metaphors and object lessons to give us thought throughout our week.

On the first monday of the school year, he talked to us about umbrellas, and how they are akin to the oportunuities that await us here at Woodstock. To use his words "You will see a lot of umbrellas around this time of year at Woodstock. But you should not see someone walking around holding a bunch of umbrellas in the middle of a rainstorm, and not one of them is open." The opportunities we have were like umbrellas, and we should make as much use of them as we possibly could. Or else, we would be standing "cold, wet, and unhappy, with a bunch of opportunities you'll never see again".

The next week, Dr Long told us a story of two brothers that went to make their fortunes in the west.

One brother moved to California, to continue the family tradition of cabbage-farming. He did this very successfully, and had a very good, running farm. The other brother decided that he wanted to study geology, and worked odd jobs while he went to night school. eventually, he became a certified geologist, making good money. One day, the geologist brother decides to go and visit his farmer brother. The farmer brother is very excited to see his brother again, and makes a great show of the farm to show off his success. But the geologist brother seems very distracted, and the farmer brother took offense. "Brother, why do you seem so distracted while I'm showing you my wonderful farm?" he asks.
The geologist brother takes him down to the edge of a stream, and begins to sift through the sand at the bank. He picks up a little chunk of something, and holds it to the light. "Brother" he asks "Do you know what this is?" The farming brother replied that no, he didn't. "It's gold, brother. You have been growing cabbages on a goldmine".

Woodstock is a goldmine, he told us. Don't be satisfied to only be growing cabbages.

Last week, Dr Long talked to us about misunderstandings, and how they can be both comical, and devastating. He told us the story of the WC misunderstanding:

An Englishman, his wife and their two children, were in Germany on holiday.
During a walk in the countryside, they saw a wonderful cottage in the green and they
thought it was good for them for the next summer holidays.
There was a notice: TO LET: Phone 719 88 00 66?.
They wanted to know more details, so they phoned the owner at once and told him that
they wanted to meet him.

They met the owner, an Anglican vicar, and decided to rent the house for the next summer.
They signed the contract and went back to their country.
A few days later, the lady had a terrible doubt and wrote to the priest.

Dear Sir,
I'm writing to you about the cottage we want to rent for next summer.
Before leaving we had a quick look at the house, inside and outside, but I must say that I
saw no W.C. around. Can you tell me something about it? Thank you in advance.

The priest got the letter, read it and thought she referred to a White Chapel,
a church for Anglicans.
So he wrote back to her as follows:

Dear Madam,
I'm very happy to see that you are so interested in the W.C. The nearest W.C. is 6 km far.
You can get there on foot or more easily, by bike, especially if you are in a hurry.
We highly recommend everybody to be there in advance to avoid queues and make sure to get a seat! This W.C. is very large: it houses 40 people sitting and 60 people standing.

At the entrance, each person gets a sheet of paper that he/she must return when
he/she leaves, so that it can be used again and again.

Those who are late can use the neighbour's sheet.
The children sit next to the adults, and they all sing together.
There are loudspeakers outside, to let people hear voices and sounds.
There's a strong air-conditioning system to eliminate bad smells, especially in summer.

Finally, there are specialized photographers ready to take photos and immortalize such a humble and humane event. I look forward to seeing you in my W.C.

Yours faithfully,
The Vicar

Dr Long told us that although a lot of misunderstandings can be hilarious, they can also be hurtful. He told us to think of someone we had hurt, or had been hurt by, because of a misunderstanding, and to apologize to them at some point during the week.

Finally, this monday's devotion was about Angry balloons. " *Puff, puff* Some people, when they get angry *Puff, puff* go off all over the place, spinning out of control (releases balloon, goes flying into the assembly). Some people, when they get angry *puff, puff* just make a lot of noise (pull the ends of the balloon, make horrendous screeching noise). And some people, when they get angry *puff, puff, Puff, Puff, PUFF, PUFF, BOOM!* just explode.
Anger is an energy. Sometimes, it can be a negative energy, harming those around us. It can cause us to do things we regret.
But sometimes, anger can be harnessed, and used in a constructive, guided way. (Here he pulls out a little truck with a baloon attached. He puts it on the floor of the stage and it rolls away, propelled by the air of the balloon).
We all get angry sometimes. This week, how are you going to direct your anger? Will you just make a lot of noise, will you explode, or will you attach it to 4 wheels and make it do something?

Thanks, Dr Long, for giving me something to look forward to on monday mornings.

Sunday 26 August 2012

It's been a looong week

Hello all!

It's official: Woodstock is a LOT more demanding than J. F. Ross. This week I had 1 test, 1 essay, 4 quizzes, and various other little things. Each one individually, not so bad. All together, it's A LOT.
That's just explaining my abscence this week. I apologize for the lack of update.

Monday started off like any other monday: assembly, tests, homework, the usual stuff.

I signed up to sponsor 1 team for goal-a-thon this weekend. Goal-a-thon is where a whole bunch of teams get sponsored by people in the school, and for every goal the team scores, you donate a certain amount of money. I pledged 1 rupee per goal. Shut up, I'm a cheapskate, so sue me.

Another thing we did on monday was Mock University admissions, to get a feel for the application process and the criteria looked at for acceptance. The university reps hosting this were from Chapman's in California and Rollins in Florida. It was really fun and really helpful to a junoir like me!

Finally... I had my Macbeth audition! As the week progressed I went in for callbacks, and I have been cast as Young Siward and various parts of the ensemble. Personally, that works out well for me, because there are so many other things I want to do.

Tuesday we got our results for the Accidentals (acapella choir) audition. Surprise! I'm in soprano 1. There is a possibility that I'll be president of the group, if I get voted in. We'll be singing Holy city (Stephen Hatfield-yay!), Ave Maria, and possibly Don't Build Me Up Buttercup and Good Ol' Acappella (those were my votes).

The rest of the week was pretty average... until Friday. A whole big group of us went down to Dehradun (everyone getting mightly carsick on the ride down-it's worse than english backroads)
for the Canadian college fair. There were reps from Laurier, U of T, Western, Ottawa, Concordia, Ryerson, U Alberta, UBC and McGill. I am leaning towards going to Western, but I really have no clue yet.
I've started to cosider studying english  french lit, as well as music, and maybe some science?

Then, at last, the weekend! FRIENDS, sleeping in, movies, homework, uno, what more could you need?

On to face the new week.
Love to all!

PS: Monkeys, monkeys, monkeys, monkeys

PPS Who's had the cleanest room 3 checks in a row? WE have, that's who! :D

Sunday 19 August 2012

I love the weekend


What an amazing weekend I've had! Every day has just been perfect.

Friday night was advisor night, the night where your small group and advisor (in my case, Mr Luukkonen) go out and do something wacky. Our group went and visited the uber-sketchy ferris wheel, powered by a couple of guys jumping around on the bars.

This has nothing to do with the ferris wheel, however, it totally freaked me out (in a good way).

The most ILLEGAL thing I've ever ridden!

Stopped while some people get off...

A nice shot of some monkeys while riding the wheel.



The suicide squadron

This. is. SKETCHYYYYYY!!!!!

After that we went out to Kalsang's chinese restaurant. We had to wait for a bit, because Mr Miller's group was already in there and it's not the biggest of places.

See? Super crowded!

Ahhh, peace

Mmm, sweet banana lassi!

And spicy lamb in garlic sauce!

Mr Luukkonen taking on the Bollywood model. 

That night, becaue it's a weekend, Tanya slept over in our room (we're kind of the hub of social events ;) and we watched FRIENDS. Awesome!

Next morning started off interestingly enough: Kal got up at about 7:30 and was moving around, so I got up. "What time is it?" I asked. She said "7:35" and I FREAKED OUT because I thought she said 10:35. We were due to set off for our hike at 9:30, so I was understandably a little anxious. Fortunately for me I misheard, and was able to get a little more sleep before heading out at 8:40 for the hike to Jordi village. 
Hiking in Mussoorie is really different from walking around in Guelph, but remarkably similar to the Yorkshire hill area, in terms of rockiness, narrowness of pathways, steepness and landscape. I almost called out for my cousin Peggy at one point!

We had to trespass, just a little


Something I don't have a photo of: the hardcore pregnant dog that followed us around for 3 hours. We were all completely mystified as to why she kept following us and didn't go rest her massive belly in the shade somewhere. After about two hours we started feeling kind of responsible for her, and started feeding her cookies and nuts, giving her water from our water bottles, and walking slower so she could keep up. She was having none of that, leading the group on for most of the way and drinking spring water along the way. I have a new hero!

After the hike (with Devika looking as though she might collapse from exhaustion) we went for lunch at the Clocktower Café. I officially have a new favourite food: this fried corn spicy stuff that is totally amazing. We also had a veg pizza and apple pie. 

I know what I'm getting people for chritsmas now. Beware, folks, beware! >:D

That evening, we made homemade pizza (Tanya is awesome, just saying) and roast corn, indian style. I was slightly less traditional in how I ate mine, hacking it off without discretion and eating with my hands (very indian). 
Al the girls in the dorm watched Miss World, accompanied by much noise, cheering and comments on how pretty they all were. I was quite creeped out at how if you ignore their different cheset sizes and skin colour, they all had EXACTLY the same body. It was eerie...
Also, the rambunctious cheering made it difficult to skype. Oh well...

After that, Annabelle, Lexine, Tanuvee, Kal, Devika, and Tanya all piled on to the beds and we watched Mean Girls and Footloose. This seems to have beome a regular thing now, and I have absolutely no issue with that at all!

On a related note: Subin Song, for family reasons, is moving back to Canada this week, much to everyone's dismay. This means that Jihoo will be missing a roommate, wich means that out roommate Ritsen will be moving out, which means we have an extra space in our room, which means that it's highly likely that Tanuvee will be making her weekend home here. If you can follow all that, well done!

Today=lazy day. Uno, room cleaning, homework, and ordering pizza! You can NEVER have too much pizza! :D

All right loves, I hope you have a good week. And wish me luck with my Lady Macbeth audition tomorrow!


Thursday 16 August 2012

Sending love from afar

An average day in Woodstock school, with one notable exception: Grade 9 initiation day! This was very different to Sarah's description of initiation here, as none of the things were mean at all! The way it works is that a gr 12 and a gr 9 are partnered up, and the senoir dresses up the freshman however they please, BUT whatever they dress up the freshman as, they have to wear the same thing! This makes for some entertaining results, although unfortunately I didn't get any good photos.
We saw Bane and Scarecrow from Batman, The queen of Hearts, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Alice, Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, McDonalds workers, Spartan warriors, and many more!

The weather has settled into a pretty consistent routine: it's sunny in the morning, with mist on the horizon. By midmorning it's starting to get hazy, and by the time we leave school at 4 we're surrounded in fog. By late evening it's usually raining, varying in intensity.

This is what it looked like on the way down today:

So, weather, whatcha gonna do?

I also have some very troubling news from back home. This is really important: a friend of mine has a life-threatening condition, and is in serious danger due to a blood infection. I've been in contact with a few mutual friends, and we are all praying for a miracle. I just got this information this morning, and I don't know much of what's going on. If you can, please pray for Kate and that she pulls off a miracle. We love you!!!

Finding this out at 8:30 am just as I got to school was not the best way to start the day. I was quite terrified in my state of partial knowingness, I alternated between bawling and being completely exhausted all morning (note: if you are feeling a bit emotionally unstable, it is not a good idea to handle sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride). Everyone is so extremely considerate; the coucillor kindly allowed me to sit and cry and pray in her office for about 1/2 an hour during math class, and my friends were kind and supportive all day, and cooked me dinner.

Please keep Kate in your prayers, and if you know the family at all, please send your regards, best wishes, and if possible visit them for me.


Wednesday 15 August 2012

The day of independence

It's true what Ms Maya said: Independence day is the day Woodstock is most beautiful.

Everyone resplendant in their clothing, the most fabulous food and drink, celebrating 65 years of independence from the British.


Mehendi: 200 RS, equivalent to about 1. 80$

On our way up (Tanuvee and Devika)

The decorations, in green and orange. Made from fresh leaves and flowers

Slightly creepy colour matching by Lexine and Devika

The gate to the Quad

So pretty

Group shot: Tanuvee, me, Lexine, Devika, Ugyen, Amber, Mansi

Tanya and Tanuvee

Kalki is siper excited to find a fellow Ethiopian

Mehendi! Clockwise from bottom: Me, Kalkidan, Annabelle, Lexine, Devika.

To the gym!

The fabric of my outfit!

Me, Tanya and Lexine

An inspirational speech from Woodstock Alumnus Bhubhnesh Kumari (class of 1950)

Raising the flag!

Uma and Annabelle. Sad note of the day: Uma has been trasnferred to hopital for tests as her fever has been constant for the past 3 days.

Group shot! There were a LOT of these

Les roommates

Mr Luukkonen's advisor class (advisor night this friday!!!!)

Tara looking lovely...

Me and Devika!

Asma and Lexine: the running girls

Caroline and her friends

Nina, looking gorgeous as always

Devika and Caroline

Moi et Mme Amy, mon prof de français.


Me and Mr Okie, my vocals teacher (who fails at smiling)

Mr Wunker, fellow Canadian and english prof

I posted this just for the face...

Mr Luukkonen, my advisor!

Mr Conrad, my math teacher.

On to the meal, the main focus of the day:

Gulab Jamun: like timbits but better!

So much good food...

Making Tandoori Roti...


Masala Dosa.

And then Devika grabbed me some Papdi Chaat, Jalebi with Rabri, Aloo Tikki with a lot of chutneys (all this was typed by Devika, because I have no clue what I was eating, but it was DELICIOUS)

Indian man!

Tanya's Pakistani style of Mehendi

Give us a twirl!

Traditional Ethiopian dress. Lovely!

That's all for today, 
Love you and miss you all,