Sunday 19 August 2012

I love the weekend


What an amazing weekend I've had! Every day has just been perfect.

Friday night was advisor night, the night where your small group and advisor (in my case, Mr Luukkonen) go out and do something wacky. Our group went and visited the uber-sketchy ferris wheel, powered by a couple of guys jumping around on the bars.

This has nothing to do with the ferris wheel, however, it totally freaked me out (in a good way).

The most ILLEGAL thing I've ever ridden!

Stopped while some people get off...

A nice shot of some monkeys while riding the wheel.



The suicide squadron

This. is. SKETCHYYYYYY!!!!!

After that we went out to Kalsang's chinese restaurant. We had to wait for a bit, because Mr Miller's group was already in there and it's not the biggest of places.

See? Super crowded!

Ahhh, peace

Mmm, sweet banana lassi!

And spicy lamb in garlic sauce!

Mr Luukkonen taking on the Bollywood model. 

That night, becaue it's a weekend, Tanya slept over in our room (we're kind of the hub of social events ;) and we watched FRIENDS. Awesome!

Next morning started off interestingly enough: Kal got up at about 7:30 and was moving around, so I got up. "What time is it?" I asked. She said "7:35" and I FREAKED OUT because I thought she said 10:35. We were due to set off for our hike at 9:30, so I was understandably a little anxious. Fortunately for me I misheard, and was able to get a little more sleep before heading out at 8:40 for the hike to Jordi village. 
Hiking in Mussoorie is really different from walking around in Guelph, but remarkably similar to the Yorkshire hill area, in terms of rockiness, narrowness of pathways, steepness and landscape. I almost called out for my cousin Peggy at one point!

We had to trespass, just a little


Something I don't have a photo of: the hardcore pregnant dog that followed us around for 3 hours. We were all completely mystified as to why she kept following us and didn't go rest her massive belly in the shade somewhere. After about two hours we started feeling kind of responsible for her, and started feeding her cookies and nuts, giving her water from our water bottles, and walking slower so she could keep up. She was having none of that, leading the group on for most of the way and drinking spring water along the way. I have a new hero!

After the hike (with Devika looking as though she might collapse from exhaustion) we went for lunch at the Clocktower CafĂ©. I officially have a new favourite food: this fried corn spicy stuff that is totally amazing. We also had a veg pizza and apple pie. 

I know what I'm getting people for chritsmas now. Beware, folks, beware! >:D

That evening, we made homemade pizza (Tanya is awesome, just saying) and roast corn, indian style. I was slightly less traditional in how I ate mine, hacking it off without discretion and eating with my hands (very indian). 
Al the girls in the dorm watched Miss World, accompanied by much noise, cheering and comments on how pretty they all were. I was quite creeped out at how if you ignore their different cheset sizes and skin colour, they all had EXACTLY the same body. It was eerie...
Also, the rambunctious cheering made it difficult to skype. Oh well...

After that, Annabelle, Lexine, Tanuvee, Kal, Devika, and Tanya all piled on to the beds and we watched Mean Girls and Footloose. This seems to have beome a regular thing now, and I have absolutely no issue with that at all!

On a related note: Subin Song, for family reasons, is moving back to Canada this week, much to everyone's dismay. This means that Jihoo will be missing a roommate, wich means that out roommate Ritsen will be moving out, which means we have an extra space in our room, which means that it's highly likely that Tanuvee will be making her weekend home here. If you can follow all that, well done!

Today=lazy day. Uno, room cleaning, homework, and ordering pizza! You can NEVER have too much pizza! :D

All right loves, I hope you have a good week. And wish me luck with my Lady Macbeth audition tomorrow!



  1. I LOVE that ferriswheel! It's so awesome! :) I was just talking about it to two guys running a 'modern' one at a small fair a few weeks ago. And the Nova Scotia backpack in the Mussoorie bazzar, is a bit.... startling! The photos of your hike are awesome! Soooooo cool!

  2. YAAAAY NOVA SCOTIA!! : ) : )
    and yay for you surviving that sketchy ferris wheel!

  3. Wow, fabulous photos Emily. What a great hike! Lovin' the sketchy ferris wheel. Nice though to see a little ingenuity going into powering it.
    Ah ha, I too have been to a bazaar and found your Christmas present!
