Thursday 16 August 2012

Sending love from afar

An average day in Woodstock school, with one notable exception: Grade 9 initiation day! This was very different to Sarah's description of initiation here, as none of the things were mean at all! The way it works is that a gr 12 and a gr 9 are partnered up, and the senoir dresses up the freshman however they please, BUT whatever they dress up the freshman as, they have to wear the same thing! This makes for some entertaining results, although unfortunately I didn't get any good photos.
We saw Bane and Scarecrow from Batman, The queen of Hearts, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Alice, Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, McDonalds workers, Spartan warriors, and many more!

The weather has settled into a pretty consistent routine: it's sunny in the morning, with mist on the horizon. By midmorning it's starting to get hazy, and by the time we leave school at 4 we're surrounded in fog. By late evening it's usually raining, varying in intensity.

This is what it looked like on the way down today:

So, weather, whatcha gonna do?

I also have some very troubling news from back home. This is really important: a friend of mine has a life-threatening condition, and is in serious danger due to a blood infection. I've been in contact with a few mutual friends, and we are all praying for a miracle. I just got this information this morning, and I don't know much of what's going on. If you can, please pray for Kate and that she pulls off a miracle. We love you!!!

Finding this out at 8:30 am just as I got to school was not the best way to start the day. I was quite terrified in my state of partial knowingness, I alternated between bawling and being completely exhausted all morning (note: if you are feeling a bit emotionally unstable, it is not a good idea to handle sodium hydroxide and hydrogen chloride). Everyone is so extremely considerate; the coucillor kindly allowed me to sit and cry and pray in her office for about 1/2 an hour during math class, and my friends were kind and supportive all day, and cooked me dinner.

Please keep Kate in your prayers, and if you know the family at all, please send your regards, best wishes, and if possible visit them for me.


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