Friday 10 August 2012

At last... the weekend!

Hello my lovelies!

It's been a big week chez Woodstock. I've started getting an intense amount of homework (apparently only the tip of the iceberg...), but I'm loving it. I'm incredibly motivated in my French and English classes, and music, obviously. Having a bit more difficulty being excited in my other classes (especially about mole theory, which I DO NOT UNDERSTAND), but that's understandable, considering it's math, chem and bio.

I officially have no idea what I want to be. I feel so passionate about language now, instead of science. What do I do?!?!?

We have a choir retreat tomorrow from 9 until 2:30. I'm super excited, I have no clue what to expect, and that just makes it more exciting. To make it even better, we get to buy food on our way home even though it's a closed Baz day (closed bazaar)

Oh, and I had to share, you're all invited:

Awesome, right? If it's clear send me pics, because I doubt we'll have clarity enough for it.

So aside from school news, not much has happened. Tanuvee, Kalkidan and Uma have all gotten fantastically sick, but I'm on some hardcore antibitoics that probably killed anything harmful in my stomach.

And, after having fantastically failed first room check, we all vowed to do a major overhaul on the room. This morning, it was totally clean before I left for Morning Workout, and Ms Geeta forgot to do room check. D.E.R.K. shared a communal groan at that.

Tuck shop tonight! One chocolate donut, some kind of chocolate timbit thing, and dark-chocolate-covered-cashews later, and I am well over my chocolate cravings. 

Amazing photos courtesy of Devika to come later.

Lots of love!


  1. You'll probably jump around a little with the disciplines, although I admit I never pegged you for sticking with science all the way through. Never quite seemed like the right fit. I think Woodstock may give you the best insight though, since its a different environment

    Just don't let the treats of the tuck shop overcome all that effort at the gym! *she says while eating cookie dough*


  2. forecast is for cloud, rain and snow in the mountains. I'll keep an eye open and fingers crossed (or is that fingers open and eyes crossed?) for a few clearing patches tonight.
