Tuesday 7 August 2012

Here comes the sun

Hello readers!

When I last wrote, I was bout to leave for the dance. Some nice photos from the dance:

Me, Tanuvee, Kalkidan and Tanya. The braided girls!

The roommates!

The dance was pretty much like a J.F.R CVI dance, except there were less people, no lazer lights and they had Bollywood music mixed in with "Party Rock Anthem" and "We Found Love".  It was interesting to dance to, I'll say that.

Saturday is a day to chill, a day to breathe out. Spending Saturday hanging out with friends, eating homemade Indian food care of my lovely roommate, staying up until 1:30 watching the princess bride with Tanuvee and Devika, skyping and chatting with people back home, sounds like a good way to spend it (especially considering it was POURING with rain).  No photos from saturday, sorry...

Sunday is, of course, church day! A whole group of us went up to Kellogg church yesterday. Kalkidan is my official church buddy; I don’t think I’ve ever met someone quite so religious. It’s actually really fun. She comes from a very different spiritual background, so it makes for some interesting conversation.
We took the cab up to church (cab fares are freaking cheap!) and had a nice, leisurely walk back, giving me quite a few photo ops!

A nice view of the plains

I can't quite believe I took this photo. A perfect view of campus. The top right building is midlands, the circular in Alter Ridge (middle school girls) and dining hall, the one with the pool is Hostel (Senior boys) and you can't quite see the school, but whatever.

Yay plains!

The village

Kellogg church

The sun is back (ish) and I love it, every second I can I'm out snapping photos and enjoying the sky before it dissappears again.

That evening, we hung out in dorm and ordered Domino pizza. Something I was not expecting to be able to do, but still awesome…

Monday, school. Yay! Everything is going so well here. My french teacher Ms Amy brought in chocolate croissants (which was unfortunate, since because of my antibiotics everything tastes like bile). I’ve started my voice lessons with Mr Okie the choir teacher (he has me singing Se tu m’ami. I already love Italian). We’ve also started choir, I’m auditioning for the school play (I’m going for Lady Macbeth!) and I want to join the Japanese drumming group. Can you say “arts kid”?
Here’s some pics I took on the walk home from school with Lexine and Kalkidan. It’s gotten to the point where I can almost run up the steps to midlands. Be proud, people, be proud…

Kalki and Lexine!

The front gate

Artistic shot=wet bum

Totally looks like a sasquatch, dunnit?

Walking home...

The misty mountains

My board in my room!

Tuesday has been a good day. It helped that the day started out cloudless and then thunderstormed later: my favourite! We also had time to work out in the gym, and overall it was just a good kind of day. I wrote a killer report in french on a canadian sport (lacross) and am learning cool new stuff in Bio & chem. I love the book we're reading in English, and life is just plain good.

Oh, and just randomly, here are some photos of mussoorie at night:

Trust me, this is nothing compared to real life: the whole hillside lit up with tiny pinpoints of light everywhere...

And here's some random photos I want to share:

We got the photo up! Proof of our roommate-ness

Our room!

No clouds this morning: that was a first, although totally appreciated.

Outside the dorm

A gorgeous view!

Another nice view

Courtyard and health center (where I'm trying to volunteer)

An even nicer view!

Is it obvious that I like the views here?

Later on: cloud cover coming in.

A feature of woodstock that all students apparently have to experience: Throw a rock through the tree on Lover's Lane  and make a wish!

Devika on her... fifth attempt? Annabelle got it on her first. I got it on my 12th, I think.

Tanuvee managed to get not one, but two rocks stuck in the tree! We thought this should count as double wishes, even if she didn't manage to get one actually through...

Our desks! Kalkidan is a bit of a decorator....

My internet space, where I am now.

Love to you all, 

PS here's a monkey for you. The babies are so cute with their wet fur...

Oh monkey, you try and fail to look dignified...


  1. Love all the photos! Wow, the campus and surrounding hills sure are amazing, and you must be really excited to see the sun after a week of fog and rain! Thanks for the pics of the room and roomies - You're room is HUGE!!!

    Sasquatch crossing and Domino's Pizza? Random...

    So great to see all the news in both picture and word form. Keep 'em coming! : )


  2. Hey! What do you have against the rain? D:<

    And since when did you play Magic? :3 Into any other table-top games?

    - Jennifer

    1. I have nothing against rain, however, I like to see the sun after a week and a half of nonstop fog

  3. Ahh, reading these posts just increase my anticipation for France. It looks like you're having the time of your life, and I couldn't be happier for you!
