Tuesday 14 August 2012

Bad night

On a scale of 1 to 10, guess how happy I am?


For those of you confused right now, this is my quick jotting down from about 4:30 am last night, whereupon moisture entered the system and the fire alarm went off. At first, I thought it was all part of a dream, but its pervasive nature continued until one of the girls ran into our room shouting, “THAT’S THE FIRE ALARM”! I was instantly awake, grabbing my water bottle, shoving on my shoes, briefly considering pants instead of shorts, and grabbing my umbrella before dashing downstairs with everyone else.

Here’s where it gets ^&^$^&^&&((^*)%%@## scary: the fire escape door, as well as every other door in the dorm was padlocked shut. I was almost hyperventilating in fear: another ten seconds and I was ready to javelin my umbrella through the window. Thankfully, one of the girls in head of care informed us that it was a false alarm. I think the sentiment of all was “who the HECK schedules a fire drill for 4:30 am?!?!” I went and talked to Ms Maya and Ms Geeta, who explained that it was just moisture that got into the system

So then, in a very infuriated mood, everyone proceeded back to bed. And then the alarm went off again after about 15 minutes. No one paid it any attention this time.

I plan on having harsh words with the dorm parents about the wisdom of locking the fire escape shut and having no one is able to open it.

That’s how my day started, how about yours?

PS I also forgot to mention we're on water rations. But whatever, INDEPENDENCE IS TOMORROW!!!!

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