Saturday 4 August 2012

New roommate is awesome


Kalkidan lives!!!! Yes, the new roommate from Seattle has arrived, after having her visa delayed in the post. She's freaking awesome, just letting you guys know.

Yesterday we had some KILLER rain. It thunderstormed for about 5 hours, and it was uber loud on the plastc sheeting roof in Midlands. I've got a video but it's not letting me upload... Mum, have you got it in Dropbox? Post it on FB if yes.

We've got a LOT more space now that the extra bed is gone. Ms Maya had the dorm staff take it away, so we've got the most spacious room in the dorm. Hooray!

I'm really starting to make good friends here. Last night, Annabelle brought up a couple of 80's movies. We rearranged the beds and had a girls-night-in movie night! We watched "16 candles" with Molly Ringwald. It was me, Kalkidan, Devika, Tanuvee, Annabelle, and Lexine.

Here's our setup:

Kalkidan passed out at about 8:30, and woke up at around 5, just like all the North Americans did first day. Accoring to her, I make some weird noises when I sleep. Random...

Today, we had a relaxed, laid back day. We were going to go to Bazaar, but no one really felt like going out in the rain (which was almost as bad as yesterday). So instead, Kalkidan braided hair, I taught  a couple of the girls Jungle Speed.

Tanuvee is really happy with her braids. I'm super fond of mine too.

Tonight is the welcome back dance! I'll probably not stay too long, but it's gonna be fun with all the seniors there! Maybe the boys will actually talk to us...

Oh, just a side note, the rain makes the monkeys look reeeaally funny. ;)

Stay awesome, lovelies!


  1. Hey Em,

    Sorry - no videos are in the drop box - just photos.

    love, Mum

  2. ooops - my profile is still set to GYS in Moncton! Gotta change that...
