Friday 3 August 2012

Sweet 16

Hello all!

I am returning to health, isn't that nice? I'm on antibiotics 3 times a day for the next ten days, then once a day for another 10 days. It'd good to be up and about again. According to the teachers, getting a stomach bug during your first month is a kind of rite of passage that all the international students must endure. Joy...

As most of you know, yesterday was my 16th birthday. It was a fantastic day. I felt really well in the health center, so I got up and went to my first day of class.
This was my view when I woke up. Awesome!!!

The day began in Advisor group. I have Mr Steve Luukkonen from the US as my advisor. He's a lot of fun, and to celebrate mine and Lexine's birthday we had a ceremonial "cutting of the banana". The best he could come up with on short notice, he explained.

All day people were wishing me and Lexine a happy birthday. We even had signs taped to our lockers (a novel experience for me!) and people singing happy birthday in the cafeteria.

When we got back to dorms in the evening, we had some spare time which I used to call Dad, Beryl and Will. A little while later I also got a call from Mum. Yay family!

At 6 pm Lexine and I went to Ms Geeta's apartment, which is really, really pretty. We had some lovely pepper pasta (made by Tanuvee) and Ms Geeta made us paratha. Soooooooo good! The perfect birthday meal!

Ms Geeta told us that in Indian culture it is most hospitable to serve the food directly from the pan to the plate. A most civilized custom, in my opinion. Everyone eating there (Lexine, me, Tannuvee, Devika and Ms Geeta) all thought it much superior to the school food, and we're considering having Saturday cookouts after Bazaar

Lexine and I also had a cake each to share with all the girls in our grade at check-in time. Made by Ms Geeta and Ms Maya.

And to cap the evening off, I got to call Lukas!
Day well spent, no questions asked.

Oh, and I've discovered hat video chat is a lie. Telephone and skype phone calls only, folks. Apologies, although probably no one feels as dissapointed as me.

Good day to all,

PS check out this awesomeness!

I feel really sucessful :)

Oh, and just for Elliot, here's a picture of the sucking depth of the fog:

That is the same perspective as the photo at the top, might I add.

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