Sunday 26 August 2012

It's been a looong week

Hello all!

It's official: Woodstock is a LOT more demanding than J. F. Ross. This week I had 1 test, 1 essay, 4 quizzes, and various other little things. Each one individually, not so bad. All together, it's A LOT.
That's just explaining my abscence this week. I apologize for the lack of update.

Monday started off like any other monday: assembly, tests, homework, the usual stuff.

I signed up to sponsor 1 team for goal-a-thon this weekend. Goal-a-thon is where a whole bunch of teams get sponsored by people in the school, and for every goal the team scores, you donate a certain amount of money. I pledged 1 rupee per goal. Shut up, I'm a cheapskate, so sue me.

Another thing we did on monday was Mock University admissions, to get a feel for the application process and the criteria looked at for acceptance. The university reps hosting this were from Chapman's in California and Rollins in Florida. It was really fun and really helpful to a junoir like me!

Finally... I had my Macbeth audition! As the week progressed I went in for callbacks, and I have been cast as Young Siward and various parts of the ensemble. Personally, that works out well for me, because there are so many other things I want to do.

Tuesday we got our results for the Accidentals (acapella choir) audition. Surprise! I'm in soprano 1. There is a possibility that I'll be president of the group, if I get voted in. We'll be singing Holy city (Stephen Hatfield-yay!), Ave Maria, and possibly Don't Build Me Up Buttercup and Good Ol' Acappella (those were my votes).

The rest of the week was pretty average... until Friday. A whole big group of us went down to Dehradun (everyone getting mightly carsick on the ride down-it's worse than english backroads)
for the Canadian college fair. There were reps from Laurier, U of T, Western, Ottawa, Concordia, Ryerson, U Alberta, UBC and McGill. I am leaning towards going to Western, but I really have no clue yet.
I've started to cosider studying english  french lit, as well as music, and maybe some science?

Then, at last, the weekend! FRIENDS, sleeping in, movies, homework, uno, what more could you need?

On to face the new week.
Love to all!

PS: Monkeys, monkeys, monkeys, monkeys

PPS Who's had the cleanest room 3 checks in a row? WE have, that's who! :D

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